Aladay Mobile Media
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June 13, 2024

hey i have never tweeted. better said never interacted on any platform. i am 73 my first computer was Atari 800. a few days ago i was thinking about (what is this place what called? )supporting aladay so here i am not knowing what people do here. even if knew no idea how it's done. at this moment am i talking to anyone. how does one know. figure there are instructions where do i find them. am i a newbie ( got newbie from spell checker thing a ma gig ) am i a nob. no spelling correction but is that relevant here. i came to comment on the vid june 12 but it's 1:25 am where i am and i want to finish watching before bed so can someone direct to where i can learn what and how what is possible here for when i return. thanki you kindly

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