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17 Republican Senators voted YES to move forward on the the $1.2 TRILLION infrastructure bill that will destroy America. It includes federal funding for Left-Wing non profits and Historical Black College radicalization centers, mass amnesty for illegals, and it will make vote-by-mail permanent.

It’s not an infrastructure bill to rebuild our roads & bridges, it’s an infrastructure bill to dismantle and rebuild the American people.

If this passes, we’re done.

The 17 that voted YES: Blunt, Burr, Capito, Cassidy, Collins, Cramer, Crapo, Graham, Grassley, Hoeven, McConnell, Murkowski, Portman, Risch, Romney, Tillis, Young

Why is there an extremely hard recent push to get everyone vaccinated (including federal and corporate mandates) while at the same time the CDC is releasing data suggesting that the vaccinated are transmitting & shedding the virus?

Remember, they control the narrative AND the media. You wouldn’t know that the vaccinated are shedding the virus unless they WANTED you to know about it. It’s essentially a Bolshevik tactic, you’re not supposed to understand or know the rules. They want you confused because the entire goal is to grip society in chaos and panic.

Ask yourself, how does it benefit them if I believe them? The Global One World Order only wins if you buy into the chaos and remain crippled in fear.

The Delta Variant is essentially the same as Covid 19, which they can’t even differentiate from the flu in testing. These vile oligarchs are liars who just want to destroy your mental health, families, and communities. Don’t let them. Instead- get your homes in order and pray for wisdom to see truth. Also, If Jesus isn’t your savior, make him your savior today.

For God hath not given us the spirit of fear; but of power, and of love, and of a sound mind.

2 Timothy 1:7

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